Home Care Instructions Following Cat Grooming Under Sedation

What to Expect

After coming home from the clinic, your cat should be kept in a warm, dry, quiet and ideally indoor location in the 24 hours following discharge. They may still be a little bit drowsy after they go home with you. There may also be some irritability or incoordination during this initial 24-hour period immediately after the sedation.

There may be shaved area on your cat's front or back legs; this is the IV injection site. Some bruising to this area may be seen when they go home with you; however, if this persists beyond 72 hours, please give us a call at the clinic.


Exercise Restriction

Unless otherwise directed by your veterinarian or veterinary nurse at the time of discharge, no change to your pet's exercise regime is required. Cats should ideally remain indoors for 24 hours following sedation. 



Unless otherwise directed by your veterinarian or veterinary nurse at the time of discharge, no change is usually required to your cat's diet following sedation. A small portion of your cat's diet should be fed in the evening that they come home with you, and then resume feeding normal portions in the morning. It is not unusual for some loss of appetite to occur in the first 24 hours following discharge from our clinic; however, if this persists, please give us a call at the clinic on (06) 3588675. 



Should you have any enquiries or further concerns about the post-sedation care of your cat, please do not hestitate to phone us at (06) 3588675 to discuss.



Published by Cahill Animal Hospital on 29 July 2016
The team at Cahill Animal Hospital is here to provide you and your pet with the best possible medical, surgical and supportive care. Our motto "We care as much as you do" is a very important part of our day to day work. We are committed to providing you and your pet with the best options for care.

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